Scoliosis - Kyphosis

Correct positional habits help people to prevent postural kyphosis

Correct positional habits help people to prevent postural kyphosis

Postural Kyphosis

  1. What is Kyphosis? What Causes Abnormal Kyphosis?

    The exaggerated curvature of the thoracic spine when viewed from the side is called kyphosis (gibbosity). Increased kyphosis deformity may be linked to posture only and often corrected with exercise and appropriate posture. In a small percentage of patients with kyphosis, the deformity is less mobile in comparsion to the postural type, and is related to wedging of vertebral bones. This type of kyphosis is Scheuermann's kyphosis and its treatment is varies from postural kyphosis. The reason for this disorder is not known. In adolescents with Scheuermann's kyphosis who have not completed skeletal maturity, bracing may be recommended.

    What is Postural or Positional Kyphosis?

    The increase in physiologic kyphosis, which is 35 degrees during physiologic standing to ­55 degrees due to poor posture, is "positional kyphosis". It’s the most common reason why families bring their children to us with kyphosis complaints.

    What Causes Postural Kyphosis? How is it Prevented?

    The major causes of postural kyphosis are sitting in a poor position and insufficient physical condition. Unfortunately, many of today’s children do not participate in games that promote movement or sports activities. This lifestyle causes children to spend most of their time in a poor sitting posture, and results in a poor physical condition. These bad habits are the most common causes of positional kyphosis.