Spinal Surgeries in Children

Spinal Surgeries in Children

  1. This section details the instrumented posterior spinal fusion surgery that is the mainstay surgical treatment for scoliosis and kyphosis. Selective fusion and anterior fusion will be explained.

    A brand new surgical technique, called anterior tethering, that does not require fusion will be explained. 

    Magnetic growing rods, hemivertebrectomy that can be applied for early onset scoliosis are detailed. Lastly, osteotomy procedures that are applied for severe curves are explained.


  1. Details of Spinal Fusion Surgery

  2. Selective Fusion

  3. Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods

  4. Anterior Fusion

  5. Thoracoscopic Anterior Tethering

  6. Hemivertebrectomy and Limited Fusion

  7. What is Osteotomy Surgery?

  8. Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery

  9. Neuromonitorization