When is Surgical Treatment Necessary?

  1. Pain, loss of function and balance are more predominant in adult scoliosis compared to the severity of the curve and the cosmetic problems caused by the curve. Surgery may still be necessary despite the absence of pain, in order to stop further progression of scoliosis that has been clearly shown to be progressive.

    Surgical management can be an effective alternative treatment method in patients who have undergone long periods (6 weeks to 6 months) of nonsurgical treatments, and continue to have pain and severe loss of ability despite these treatments. Surgery may be chosen for patients with severe narrow canal or nerve compression that causes loss in bladder or bowel control, or muscle power.

    The treatment of adult scoliosis surgery is more difficult compared to younger patients. The operation length and number of surgical procedures may be greater. Surgical treatment may become even more difficult if the patient has associated heart and lung diseases, diabetes, and osteoporosis. Good preperation of the patient and taking necessary precautions will yield fairly optimistic results.