Scoliosis - Kyphosis

Asymmetry of the waist and shoulders

Asymmetry of the waist and shoulders

A clear hump appearance in forward bending

A clear hump appearance in forward bending

Signs and Symptoms of Scoliosis

  1. What are the Signs of Scoliosis?

    In standing position;

    • One shoulder may be higher than the other
    • One scapula may be higher or more prominent than the other
    • When the arms are shrugged to the sides, the space between the arm and the body may be greater on one side.
    • One hip may appear higher or more prominent than the other.
    • The projection of the head may not be on the midline of the hips. (off-balance)
    • One leg appears longer
    • Asymmetry of the waist
    • Clothing hangs unevenly


    When the patient is viewed from the back and asked to bend forward until the spine is parallel to the ground, one side of the back may appear higher than the other (hump appearance).