Scoliosis - Kyphosis

Why is Early Onset Scoliosis Deformity More Problematic Than Adolescent Deformity?


    Those with early onset create more problems for two reasons. The most important factor that determines progression of scoliosis is the growth potential of the child. The greater growth potential, the greater the risk of scoliosis’ progression. Controlling curves with a brace is very difficult. Therefore, the need for surgical treatment in young children is higher compared to adolescents.

    The second problem relates to the negative effects of performing “fusion” surgery on small children. Fusion surgery is the golden standard in the surgical treatment of scoliosis; it also means termination of growth and movement of the spine. Fusion procedure performed at a young agewill halt spine growth. If performed before age 5, fusion surgery will cause the spinal cord canal to remain small; if performed before age 8, fusion surgery will interfere with lung development; if performed before age 10, fusion surgery will interfere with rib cage development and may cause the torso to remain short. Problems in lung respiration will arise if the rib cage cannot develop adequately.

    During adolescence, the spinal cord canal, lungs and rib cage are sufficiently developed, and the fusion procedure does not result in potential problems that may occur in younger children.

    Health problems that may occur in young children if not treated well are:

    • Lung and respiratory problems
    • Heart problems
    • Loss of ability
    • Spinal cord compression and paralysis in very severe deformities
    • Severe cosmetic and psychological problem